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Mar 04 2011 - May 14 2011,
Caterina Tognon at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Curator: Simone Menegoi

For the first time in Italy, Caterina Tognon presents a selection of over twenty works on paper by Cigler from the period between 1956 and 1967. Due to the limited means at his disposal and the cultural and political climate of his country at the time, these works have not developed beyond the planning stage and provide us with the only evidence of the artist’s ambitious visions.

Oct 15 2010 - Jan 09 2011,
Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona

Curator: Chiara Bertola

Progetto di Caterina Tognon

La mostra di Maria Morganti che si inaugurerà il 14 ottobre presso il Museo di Castelvecchio, curata da Chiara Bertola in collaborazione con Paola Marini, direttrice del museo, è pensata come un attraversamento degli spazi espositivi. Una "passeggiata", "un traghettamento" dello spazio attraverso l'esperienza del colore.

Aug 28 2010 - Jan 09 2011,
Cà Pesaro, Venezia

Curator: Silvio Fuso, John Wood and Valerio Dehò

La mostra è una coproduzione tra la Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia e la Galleria Michela Rizzo, Venezia, in collaborazione con la Galleria Caterina Tognon, Venezia.

Aug 27 2010 - Nov 21 2010,
Caterina Tognon at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

On the evening of Thursday, 26th of August, on the occasion of the 12th Architecture Biennale, gallery Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea opens in Venice, in two venues, Unbuilding: a solo show by Claire Fontaine.
Unbuilding is made in collaboration with Marco Altavilla and Paola Guadagnino of T293 Naples.

Mar 20 2010 - Jul 03 2010,
Caterina Tognon at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Curator: Grainnee Sweeney
Dec 12 2009 - Feb 27 2010,
Caterina Tognon at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

‹ una pubblicazione con Luca Massimo Barbero

Nov 21 2009 - Apr 11 2010,
Experience Music Project/Science Fiction Museum, Seattle, USA

Curator: Sarah Nichols

Project by Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea

SEATTLE - EMP|SFM is proud to present Gelatine Lux, an otherworldly exhibition by noted Italian glass artist Maria Grazia Rosin. The exhibition opens to the public November 21 at 12:00 pm.

Organized by the Carnegie Museum of Art, this immersive installation features a series of glass curtains that vaguely encase 20 illuminated glass sculptures in bold colors, suspended within a universe that includes sound and video components.

Jun 04 2009 - Nov 21 2009,
Caterina Tognon at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Curator: Chiara Bertola


Mar 12 2009 - May 30 2009,
Gallery Space at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Curator: Francesco Poli

Maurizio Donzelli is back collaborating with Caterina Tognon’s gallery of contemporary art again,  and he’s here with a specific site, aided by Francesco Poli.

Mar 12 2009 - Jun 28 2009,
Carnegie Museum of Art Pittsburgh, USA

Curator: Sarah Nichols
Nov 22 2008 - Feb 28 2009,
Gallery Space at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

With “Ombre”, Zynsky presents her boldest and most compelling works to date.

Nov 22 2008 - Dec 06 2008,
Gallery Space, Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Curator: Zara Audiello

Nell’ambito del progetto Accade 2008 - Mutazione contemporanea, progetto che prevede il coinvolgimento di 21 curatori, 53 artisti e 15 gallerie presenti sul territorio di Venezia e di Mestre, la galleria Caterina Tognon, da sempre attenta al nascere di giovani talenti artistici ospiterà l’artista Rosaria Boemi con una sua personale, Trame di Memoria a cura di Zara Audiello. La mostra si svolgerà in concomitanza con l’esibizione Ombre dell’artista americana Toots Zynsky negli spazi della galleria in Palazzo da Ponte, calle del Dose.

Sep 12 2008 - Nov 01 2008,
Gallery Space at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Curator: Chiara Bertola

On the occasion of the 11th Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2008 Caterina Tognon, for stART, presents a sho by New York artist Andrea Blum.

Dec 14 2007 - Feb 17 2008,
Palazzo Fortuny, Venezia

Laid out on the ground floor of Palazzo Fortuny, these thirty site specific works by master glass- blowers from Murano are organised within a fluctuating system of sounds to form a large installation that explores the themes of light and water.