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Mar 19 2016 - May 15 2016,
Caterina Tognon at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Curator: Caterina Tognon

Aldo Grazzi
Giardino d'Inverno 

with a text by 
Annarosa Buttarelli

Caterina Tognon arte contemporanea
Ca' Nova di Palazzo Treves
Corte Barozzi | San Marco 2158
30124 Venice Italy

Feb 27 2016 - May 01 2016,
Palazzo Loredan, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venezia

In the enchanting atmosphere of Palazzo Loredan, Caterina Tognon proudly presents the latest artworks from Maria Grazia Rosin: I Boreali 2016, created site-specifically for the Sala delle Collezioni.

May 07 2015,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

The work consists of jewelry pieces, in which glass elements designed by Mieke Groot and executed by the Dutch lamp-blower Edwin Dieperink combined with printed metal beads, also by her design, made at the ‘Village des Arts’ in Dakar by

May 06 2015 - Nov 22 2015,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

On the occasion of the 56. Biennale Arte Venezia Caterina Tognon opens her new gallery showing Katarzyna Kozyra Looking for JesusKatarzyna Kozyra’s starting point for this project was information about the so-called Jerusalem Syndrome, an acute delusional disorder which had been reported by medical professionals only in the 2nd half of the 20th century.

May 05 2015,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

CATERINA TOGNON opens her new gallery:
Ca Nova di Palazzo Treves
Corte Barozzi - San Marco 2158
30124 Venezia, Italia
next to Europa Regina Hotel
vaporetto stop San Marco Calle Vallaresso

Jan 23 2015 - Jan 25 2015,

Solo show of Maria Morganti at Artefiera2015

Nov 06 2014,

Show at Artissima 2014 of Vaclav Cigler and Jan Svoboda

Oct 10 2014 - Nov 23 2014,
Palazzo Loredan, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venezia

Project by Caterina Tognon

Caterina Tognon Vetro Contemporaneo is pleased to present the artwork of Toots Zynsky.
In an age in which the relevance of beauty to art is widely questioned, Zynsky's work is uncompromisingly beautiful. The intensity of adjoined color, the tactile vitality of fluted walls, the swirling energies of shape and pattern are transformed into a luminous whole through the interaction between glass and light.
Her bowls are among the most beautiful objects made, but their beauty is a product of the material and processes of artistically transformed glass.

Apr 29 2014 - Jun 21 2014,
Gallery Space at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

The Young Faint Sun
29 april – 21 june 2014
The title of the exhibition is inspired by a complex scientific theory with an uncommon poetic name: the paradox of the Young Faint Sun. According to this theory the stars coeval to the Sun are increasing their intensity more and more but there is no evidence of the Sun doing the same. Nowadays the Sun radiates less and less light than it is supposed to do, but we are not even aware of this penumbra to which we are used to.

Apr 04 2014 - May 11 2014,
Casa dei Testori, Milano

Il programma espositivo di Casa Testori nel 2014 si apre con Giardini Squisiti, mostra
bipersonale di Massimo Kaufmann e Maria Morganti, che inaugurerà giovedì 3 aprile 2014.
Il progetto, ideato appositamente per la dimora di Giovanni Testori a Novate Milanese, vede i due
artisti occupare il pian terreno con progetti distinti, che si compenetranno in alcuni momenti di
contatto e di confronto.

Jan 07 2014 - Apr 25 2014,
Gallery Space at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

May 31 2013 - Oct 05 2013,
Gallery Space at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Curator: Simone Menegoi

Caterina Tognon is proud to present Terra Platonica, a personal exhibition of the Portuguese artist Francisco Tropa, with works created exclusively for the occasion. These new works are inspired by ancient cosmologies and include: slender structures in brass and multicoloured glass canes; a cycle of sculptures made from coloured glass sheets leaning lightly against wooden supports; blown glass objects, two of which are in the form of a light installation; a cycle of forty silkscreen prints, also made specially for the exhibition; and finally, two suspended wooden sculptures from 2002, chosen due to their affinity with the subject.

May 31 2013 - Nov 24 2013,
Ca’ Rezzonico - Museum of 18th century Venezia

Curator: Cornelia Lauf, scientific director Gabriella Belli, a project by Caterina Tognon

Mario Airò l Stefano Arienti l Flavio Favelli l Luigi Ontani l Gabriel Orozco l Cerith Wyn Evans l Heimo Zobernig

Venice, Ca’ Rezzonico - Museum of 18th century Venice 31st May – 24th November 2013

A Very Light Art is an exhibition about the interface between art and the everyday object. It is a reflection about design, and a study of the historic role of artists in relation to the built environment. The exhibition is located in the historic environs of the Ca' Rezzonico, museum of 18th century Venice.

Mar 19 2013 - May 11 2013,
Gallery Space at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Ann Marie con Maria e viceversa: un incontro cercato e ricercato;
un’amicizia in espansione.
Due coppie di mani al lavoro
volti diversi della stessa medaglia: discipline di vita a confronto.

Nov 16 2012 - Feb 12 2013,
Gallery space at Palazzo da Ponte, Venezia

Penso attraverso la pittura. Mi trasformo rimanendo dentro. Dentro ad uno spazio, dentro ad una prassi.
Muovendomi da un quadro all'altro, da un punto ad un altro punto.
Sei quadri della stessa dimensione, dipinti tra il 1996 e il 2011, mostrano un percorso, il periodo di
transizione di un momento particolare del mio lavoro. Il punto di passaggio tra le Sovrapposizioni e le